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My Maldives Travel And Aerial Photos Featured In Tauchen Magazine

My Maldives Travel And Aerial Photos Featured In Tauchen Magazine

In this frenzy period of Photo stock business, where image quality and standards have gone from top level to the lowest quality, some publishers and advertisers are still focusing on quality.
Quality above quantity should be prevailing. But amongst millions of photos ( from a few excellent visuals to too many average ones ), I feel glad my stock photo still comply with clients who want to make the difference.

Tauchen magazine. Oct 2017. Travel / Aerial stock Photos

My Aerial Images from Maldives printed in Tauchen Magazine October 2017 Publication.

Reise Special . Traumziel Malediven
maldives travel and aerial stock photo tauchen magazine
Maldives Travel / Aerial stock photo Tauchen magazine. Oct 2017
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Sakis Papadopoulos. Luxury Hotel & Villa Photographer – Filmmaker

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